Monday 7 October 2013

Flame Dies For Olympic Enthusiasm

by Shaky Parkinson

Flame Off.
A typically Russian Olympic torch relay began this morning in Moscow where the flame started its 40,000 mile journey to the town of Sochi in time for the Winter Games in February. The flame is set to travel across the Arctic Ocean, underwater and be blasted into space in one of the most pretentious administrative tasks in history.

Barely a mile from the podium and trouble set in when former swimming champion Shavarsh Karapetyan was dismayed to find that the flame had jumped ship while still in sight of the Kremlin wall. "Probably doesn't dig the cold," he chuckled as a Security Guard tried desperately to reignite Russia's hopes of a gloriously impressive opening ceremony.

"I can't see."

"Surely that counts as a loss?" stated renowned Olympic hater Shaky Parkinson, "I'm not an expert, especially when it comes to people running around in circles, but I do know that when a flame is extinguished and needs to be relit then you are dealing with a different flame just the same gas source and container and I'm pretty sure those rolled off a production line a few months back so I can't see how any form of tradition or ceremony can really be kept alive with this farce."

He continued, "You honestly think that they've kept a flame alive since 1936, with these gas prices? What does it say when you're on your understudy after three hundred metres? This is just another example of how the Olympics is a pretentious load of twaddle. The Olympics is hardly Wimbledon or the Tour De France, neither of these events dick around with 123 day televised warm up jog and they are much cooler."

"It sputtered."

Vladimir Putin and onlookers.
Despite the problems, and the cold weather tens of mistakenly dressed individuals eagerly lined the streets around the Kremlin for a brief glimpse of the flame as it sputtered its way from the stage. With many people offering up their thoughts of the event;

"We gave it a good run and in all fairness Karapetyan was looked a tad tired already. Probably best it's over. Should save us a few bob," noted one spectator.

"My Olympic dream is dead," sighed another.

"Just goes to show you," commented a third.

"This is a PR disaster," was overheard behind the stage.

"I thought it was brilliant," continued Shaky Parkinson, "It was the most human and honest thing I have seen in months."

It is hoped that the torch relay will continue on its journey unimpeded and without incident as the organisers look towards the heavens and shiver.

Monday 12 August 2013

Staff Memo: Absenteeism

Dear All,

The less said about last nights unpleasantries the better, but when your Editor In Chief decides to skive off work for the week to go see a Barbara Streisand concert he does not enjoy the sight of his entire workforce sobbing their hearts out to 'Woman In Love'.  Further dissatisfaction arises when he was under the impression that at said time they were half way across the city touring our premises with a group of Japanese business investors.  All told I can't help but suffer some misgivings as to your combined work ethic.

Admittedly we're all in the same boat of confusion with regards to their motives, but cash is cash and Goodgame says that according to the computer stats we're shit hot on the Tokyo scene.  Regardless, I still expect my employees, nay, five British citizens (You've been here thirty nine years Robbins, you can't keep claiming Cuban citizenship because of a flight delay) to offer up our guests a modicum of respect and hospitality.

Not only were these gentlemen left alone to wander through the stricken remnants of film night but due to a certain someone leaving the front doors open they also had to content with a ransacked newsroom and a vicious gang of scrap metal dealers who 'inadvertently' stabbed the translator with a fax machine circuit board.

I won't lie, I'm furious, but what really hurts, what really inches the knife further and further into my spine is the fact that after months of suggestions I was excluded from the first film night hooker night cross over.  Unbelievable.  And don't pretend it didn't happen because Douglas tagged me in an image of Chris getting a blowy from a saucy brunette while watching The Big Lebowski.

Until the building is fully restored to its former glory and someone can properly investigate the whereabouts of the chandelier you're all pulling double shifts.  Consider this a pre-punsihment until I can think of something more befitting a group of inhospitable layabouts such as yourselves. Think the Douglas cleaning debacle only worse.

Now if you'll excuse me I've got a crushing headache to contend with, no thanks to yourselves and will probably be off sick for a few days. While I'm gone I don't want any shenanigans and I already checked, the chandelier hasn't been sold to the O2 so try looking elsewhere.

Yours Disappointedly,

Shaky xxx

Monday 29 July 2013

Prince Andrew Stubs Toe

by Shaky Parkinson

St. Mary's Hospital
Despite week wide coverage of the royal birth the Royal Families medical problems seem far from over as belated reports are surfacing that last Prince Andrew has spent the last week in intensive care after stubbing his toe.

The incident took place last Sunday while Prince Andrew was visiting his Mother for a friendly game of cribbage to see in the end of the Duchess of Cambridge's pregnancy.  It is believed that Prince Andrew rose to fix them both a ginger shandy when his foot came into swift contact with the Edwardian drinks cabinet causing massive damage to his right foot.

"Hordes of fanatics."

Matters darkened when Prince Andrew was unable to secure any medical attention due to the imminent arrival of the heir apparent and was forced to drive himself to St. Mary's Hospital where upon arriving he had to battle his way through the hordes of fanatics who had encamped themselves on the doorsteps to witness the first glimpses of the as yet unborn child.

"They were everywhere," commented Prince Andrew during his recovery interview this morning, "A rabble of freaks and nutballs, Christ knows what it'll be like at the christening. Normally I would have kept my distance and let time work its magic but due to the weather I was only wearing a pair of suede loafers and the damage to my toe was considerable."
Prince Andrew driving
himself to hospital.

"From there on in it only got worse. It took me hours to steal away a nurse through all the commotion and was only treated to an examination when the chief of surgery slipped on the blood spewing from my toe.  It didn't help any that the nurse had me installed in the suite next door to Kate and frankly the noise was unbearable, you'd have thought she was giving birth to a Chelsea supporter with tourette's."

He continued, "It's not like I wanted to make a fuss and overshadow the 'occasion' but this was a serious wound, there was blood everywhere and I could see bone.  I've never experienced pain like this but luckily they aren't going to amputate so we dodged a bullet there, although not a table, am I right?"

"Every stubbing is different."

The almost unshowable stubbed toe.
"We've kept the Prince heavily medicated due to his injuries," claimed the on duty Nurse, "I've been treating patients for years and I've never seen a stubbed toe this horrific.  Every stubbing is different but this is about as bad as it could possibly be. We wish him a speedy recovery and hope he'll be right as rain for the little one's Christening, it's going to be heavenly."

Prince Andrew is said to be doing well and will be kept in hospital for observation over the next fortnight in the company of his sister Princess Anne and brother Prince Edward after they were both admitted with dicky tummies late on Tuesday night.

Friday 12 July 2013

South London Supermarket Stolen

by Shaky Parkinson

Offensive promotion.
The townsfolk of Purley have been left stunned after their local 150,000 sqft, 24hr Tesco+ was stolen in a daring raid yesterday evening.  The thieves made off with the shop at around 6pm leaving staff and shoppers shocked and confused.

"Until they disappeared."

A number of individuals dressed in dark tracksuits and hooded tops are said to have entered the shop at around 9am carrying large travel bags and were seen acting suspiciously for a number of hours until they disappeared into the rush hour queues with the building and its contents.

"Everything was fine one minute," claimed eye witness shopper Cathy Ballake, "I was looking up the calorie content on a Muller crunch corner then all of a sudden there was a heavy breeze and my basket had disappeared along with the yogurt and the rest of the fridge aisle."

"There'd been a bit of a draft all day," noted Supervisor Gregory Patesh, "So I was speaking with our maintenance man in the delivery area when the air conditioning unit that we'd been inspecting vanished before our eyes not too mention the ladder we were using.  I wasn't even able to fill out a health and safety report for Graham's broken pelvis because all our offices had been stolen. I just can't believe this has happened."

"I'm not even supposed to be here today," claimed employee Dante Hicks, "I was taking a break out back and before I could drench them in milk my Frosties had disappeared and the floor was covered. I'm not even supposed to be here."

"There were."

Head of security Arthur Shank was monitoring the store's cameras at the time of the robbery, "There were a few suspicious looking characters hanging around the magazines but as went to alter the cameras for a better look the security console was gone along with my keys and hat. I don't know what to tell you. I think I was still shaken by the day's earlier incident."

Mr. Parker being held captive.
The incident mentioned took place at 1.15pm when 82 year old retired priest George Parker was pinned and held at gun point after being accused of shoplifting a Twix. Mr. Parker had apparently, 'Popped in for a snack' when he was jumped on his way out of the supermarket for what later turned out to be a fault with the self-service checkouts. Yet it is incidents such as this that have raised questions about Tesco's 'Coin for Convicts' program that sees work based rehabilitation placements offered to recently paroled criminals in a bid to help reintegrate them into society.

"We need to look into the program," spoke Group CEO Philip Clarke, "After that job centre toilet incident we thought we'd go heavily in the opposite direction but that seems to have bitten us in the arse. That's not to say we are accusing anyone but the loss of an entire store is really serious. They cost a bloody fortune to build, so all in all with the vicar's lawsuit it's been a pretty shocking day."

"Good Riddance."

Feeling wasn't all negative with the general public taking a very different stance on the robbery with Mrs. Robinson of Eckton Drive happy at the Tesco's misfortune, "I say good riddance, the food is overpriced and the quality leaves much to be desired, like taste and freshness. They need to know people won't stand for it and I think the thieves should be praised, but certainly not knighted."

One gang member working
unnoticed at the front of store.
"I'm in two minds," spoke shopper Darren Hump, "I was in the market for a box of Mr. Kipling Lemon Slices but quite frankly I'm outraged at the cost and seeing as I'm not the slimmest chap I'm glad the temptation has been taken away from me. This is going to do wonders for my diet."

"We have no definitive leads."

It is thought that recent trouble with the supermarket giant at their choice of 'holier than though' advertising which caused massive friction with the local community is to blame however police were quick to distill these ideas, "What we're dealing with here is a total lack of respect for the law, chkechkechkchkchk," claimed Detective Inspector Mike Willis of the Metropolitan Police as he removed his earphones, "At this current time we have no definitive leads but are pursuing a number of enquiries."

He continued, "What we do know is that this is sadly not a revenge theft, just a meticulously planned heist. From the CCTV footage we have obtained from our security cameras before they were stolen we believe that the suspects are a large gang of about five individuals and either a midget or a sixth member with severe bone disfigurement.  At this stage of the game we don't hold out much hope of finding the supermarket intact as it is likely to have been broken down and sold off in parts so we ask the public to be vigilant for any non-bagged multipack salt and vinegar Walkers.  In addition to our investigation we are appealing for anyone with any information to come forward so that we can solve this doozy before it gets the better of us."
One thief subtly entering
the premises.

Despite no arrests being made the police aren't ruling out the prospect that the robbery could be linked with similar thefts in Croydon and Redhill where two Post Offices, an ASDA and a Timpsons were stolen in a week long spree in June by a scrap gang working out of Twatlington.

"I've got one child!"

The aftermath of the theft is still being realised as scores of people have begun rioting in the now vacant  car park due to an inability to purchase liquor for the coming weekend. "They've got us by the balls," claimed protestor Sandra Gubbins, "They take down all the competition then go and get themselves stolen and as usual it is us that suffer. I've got one child to feed, not too mention the fact I've got nothing to serve our friends at tomorrow's barbecue, this is a disaster. I feel abused."

Rioters in the car park.
"I don't know what they expect us to do," continued Clarke, "They'll just have to get through the next two days sober.  Our first priority is to recover our missing property and if they need food they'll have to make do with their nearest Tesco Metro which is only 0.1miles away."

Police have been called to the scene to calm the rabble and investigate the claims that certain rioters have been seen making amateur firebombs to launch at the foundations of the supermarket. "This is very counter productive," continued Detective Willis, "The more time we have to waste yelling at these morons the longer it is going to take us to get our job done."  However it seems set that the rioting is set to continue as the police's hope of catching the culprits lessens with every minute.

Wednesday 26 June 2013


ELVIS LIVES!!! ;ku;kjn;iukh HE LIVES!!! ROCK AND Rjbkafbaowugkfwakf Get him out of here.  Dammit Douglas! I thought you were covering security. For fuck's sake what's all this?  It's not going to print is it? What's that little microphone thing flashing for?  Someone get Goodgame in here. Jesus Robbins what is it now? Delivery for you. rufflflflflflflflfe. About bloody time do you know how long I've been waiting for these cue tips? I haven't broken a century since Christmas. What's up chief? My fist in your ego if you can't fix this computer. It keeps writing everything I say and I can't make it stop. Look it's doing it now. No problem I've got it sorted. Good 'cos I've got a lunch date with the bloody press complaints commission, apparently we've breached standards again. Fuck knows why. Have you fixed it? I reckon so, hopefully this'll sort things out. Just hit okay. Shouldn't that be cancel? No it's one of those backwards ones. Good I'm going out make sure this is sorted by the time I get back and whatever you do make sure it doesn't go live. Righto Chief. Let's just okay this and see wh...

Friday 14 June 2013

Tennant And Osbourne To Duel

by Shaky Parkinson

Flagship BBC program The One Show was forced off the air this evening when an argument broke out between Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osbourne and Royal Shakespeare Company operative David Tennant.  As is their want the BBC have already apologised for the incident but the fight seems fit to continue as the pair don swords in a duel to be held at dawn.

"Financial grants to cows."

The conflict arose moments after the Chancellor ended his discussion about the Coalition's latest environmental scheme to reduce Britain's CO2 emissions by awarding financial grants to cows if they cease flatulating.

Despite staff claiming that the Chancellor 'Appeared stressed' and was 'Looking very pale' he openly discussed the scheme as well as claims about back bench opposition to the proposal, "The scheme is a doozy.  Really top notch thinking, and we've got our best guys on it.  Clegg, Cable, the whole team and the MP's who are opposing this strategy need to think in the long term if Britain is going to help combat global warming. People elected us so we would resolve the economic problems left to us by the previous government but we've gone one step further by altering every facet of daily life in our bid to assist the nation."

Further observations that the Chancellor looked 'Vacant and emotionally ignorant' failed to dampen his spirits as he left the studio during the broadcasting of a Springwatch 2013 segment to join fellow guest David Tennant in the green room where minutes later raised voices were heard.  Eventually the banging and smashes alerted security who broke into the barricaded room to find the couple rough housing amongst a pile of empty Celebration Wrappers.
Tennant moments before the fight.

"Backwell back in 2008."

"We got them apart as quickly as we could," commented Security Officer Mick James, "But they were at each others throats. Galaxy Truffle this and see you on the battlefield that.  I haven't dealt with anything this nasty since Len Goodman and Bruce Forsyth threw down over a cherry bakewell back in 2008."

"The pair were flustered," claimed presenter Matt Baker, "And we just want to apologise to our viewer for the incident.  Thanks to my Blue Peter first aid training I was able to treat David's bruised ego and the Chancellor's ever reddening cheek before matters got out of hand."

Although staff were unable to discover a cause for the hostilities Tennant was eager to protest his innocence as the pair were calmly lead from Broadcasting House, """I'M INNOCENT!!! DOTH NOT THE EYE SEETH TRUTH IN ME??? HISS HISS HISS!!!""" while a more animated Osbourne was furious at the incident, "Boys will be boys and this is nothing more than a bit of light improv that got out of hand. Still no matter how the delivery a challenge is a challenge," but when asked to elaborate neither party could offer any further explanation although runner Claire Hutching witnessed the argument from outside the green room.

"I couldn't hear much through the overacting," she claimed, "But it seemed that there was a dispute about chocolate, which was followed by a lot of swearing and things being thrown around before I distinctly heard the word 'duel' and 'twat' being repeated a number of times.

Osbourne's duelling gonks.
This comment was later confirmed when Tennant released a press statement claiming, """GEORGE OSBOURNE IS NO MORE A SNOB THAN I AM A THESPIAN!!!  AND WE SHALL BE DUELLING TO THE DEATH COME DAYBREAK!!!"""  Downing Street also delivered a similar announcement that stated 'Chancellor Osbourne has accepted the challenge of a duel and will comply with all the requisite procedures required in its undertaking'.

"Duels are to be fought."

Parliamentary tradition dictates that all duels are to be fought at first light upon the waters of the river Thames overlooking the Houses of Parliament and in good faith the palace has offered the royal duelling barge to act as the customary vessel.

Royal duelling barge.
What with Osbourne's 2nd grade fencing award from Magdalen College and Tennant's extensive use of stage props bookies are saying that a Tennant death would prove unfavourable as would an Osbourne win and are therefore refusing to give odds on either opponent but wish both the combatants unanimous condolences.

BBC will be broadcasting the event from 4.30am with kick off at 5.08 after opening coverage from Adrian Chiles and Sue Barker.  You can also follow the proceedings on twitter at #twatfight.

Friday 7 June 2013

Limb Found In Sussex

by Shaky Parkinson

Pup and Smut pub, Eppington.
An arm belonging to a fifty year old African American male was found outside the Pup and Smut on market street, Eppington yesterday evening.  Police are asking the owner to come and collect the limb within the next thirty days or it will be sold at auction.

"It's starting to pong," claimed Constable Brian Blunt of the Eppington Constabulary, "And what with the recent genocide clogging up our evidence room we'd prefer it if the limb was collected sooner rather than later."

This isn't the first instance of missing body parts being found in the area, with two sandalled feet showing up outside Aldi last spring and a rogue torsoe causing confusion during the town's Christmas pageant it is hoped that this isn't the beginning of a trend.

The public can contact the police by telephone.

Friday 17 May 2013

Puff Piece Found Dead In Tree

by Shaky Parkinson

Crime scene.
After a six month search the body of missing news icon 'The Puff Piece' was found stuck up a tree on Clapham Common in the early hours of this morning.  Police have said they are shocked at the discovery but are happy that their arduous search has finally resolved itself in a moderately positive way.


Although a time of death has yet to be established forensic specialists have revealed that the body had been brutally stabbed, raped, mugged, beaten, drugged, shot, stabbed, burnt, stripped, embezzled, defrauded, bullied, violated, stabbed, abused, divorced, paedophiled, sued, excommunicated, tortured and photographed for internet distribution.

"It didn't help the breakfast go down," claimed William Felt who discovered the body while out jogging in the early hours, "I was nipping back home through the woods when I saw something moving in the trees.  It wasn't until I got closer that I saw a cat pawing over something hidden in the branches.  So I called the fire brigade and they brought down what was left of the body.  I've never been so dismayed and relieved in all my life.  I mean what's the world coming to?"

The victim's family are saddened by the loss but in a statement claimed, "It was a long time coming and we are simply glad that the torment is over.  The incident has come as a big shock to us but we've got a new fridge freezer on the way so it's not all bad news."


Scotland Yard have launched an investigation into the attack and with the use of intelligence reports and CCTV footage have issued a profile of what is believed to be a vicious gang of badly dressed media types armed with bulging wallets, knives, pessimistic viewpoints and vast amounts of audience research data.  Police are warning the public to stay clear of the gang and are appealing for witnesses to come forward and aid in the investigation.

And in lighter news...

Monday 6 May 2013

Investigation Launched Into 1970's Policing

by Shaky Parkinson

Scotland Yard's squeaky clean reputation has fallen into disrepute after a number of television personalities have come forward claiming that the Metropolitan Police are guilty of systematic abuse dating back as far as the 1970's.

"Men as old as 87."

The bubble of lies finally burst when an independent commission was set up to investigate confessions made by broadcaster Stuart Hall about how the police systematically preyed on the weak and vulnerable wallets of men as old as 87 throughout the television industry for over four decades.

In a statement earlier this morning Hall claimed, "We were powerless, they knew how to isolate us and shame you into their way of thinking.  It's not like you could go to the police or seek help elsewhere and so you just end up going along with what they want.  It makes you feel sick, sick and hopeless.  I'm just happy that this is all coming out in the open."

"Indecent money."

Officials were seen leaving Scotland yard with boxes containing thousands of indecent money bands along with numerous cigar ends and used whisky glasses that under examination will hopefully contain invaluable DNA evidence to ratify the claims.  Yet the question of how have these crimes went unpunished for so long is still one that needs answering.

"By all appearances Scotland Yard was the beacon of trust and honesty," claimed Commission Head Gerald Printer, "No one had a bad word to say about it and the nation was fully content to support and encourage it."

Stuart Hall outside Preston
Crown Court.
"Maybe a few years ago the shock at the recent findings would have been markedly less ravenous," he continued,  "But with today's falling social standards and unforced media economy the British public are ready to enact their viciousness for almost anything. Even so it is a terrible thing to watch such a long serving member of the United Kingdom being brought into disrepute. As always our thoughts are with the victims families and we hope that our investigation can uncover any and all hidden secrets and establish the true nature of these crimes."

"And stalking as well."

Further information was released about an alleged secret 'Vice Squad' that were unofficially tasked with carrying out the alleged offences that range from bullying, blackmailing and stalking as well as both physical and mental assault.

A spokesman for The Sun newspaper claimed, "We've been furthering this cause for years now and it seems we're doing a damn sight better job than those sickos back in the 70's.  All they've done is let these predators run around unchecked and it is up to The Sun to sell the public some justice."

Despite the investigation still being in its early stages families of the prospective victims are already setting up their bank accounts for a potential boost in assets and it is hoped that the necessary castrations and resignations will be carried out on live television in the coming weeks.

Sunday 21 April 2013

Michael Bolton, Not From Bolton

by Shaky Parkinson

"Said I loved you...But I Lied"
The people of Bolton were today shocked to discover that legendary singer/songwriter and local icon Michael Bolton was not in fact born in the city.  Bolton whose real name is in fact Bolotin originally hails from New Haven, Connecticut and isn't even of British nationality.

"Devastated," claimed Bolton Mayor Guy Harkin, "This is a massive blow to our city's identity and the work required in rectifying this mistake could cripple us at the next budget.  There's the street names, the statues, not too mention the charities that will have to be shut down.  I guess no one did the research.  Although this does shed light on why he didn't respond to our letters."

Bolton's citizens were equally distressed by the news with Mr. Wellesley of Michael Bolton Manor claiming, "We sort of assumed everything and you know what they say, to assume is to set yourself up to look like a tit."

"Our bad," sighed Shelia Smith of How Am I Supposed To Live Without You Road.

"Honestly, I don't think we should change a thing.  What Bolton needs now is moral and shunning our identity won't help that.  Bolton is Bolton and it should stay that way," noted Sid Purt of Go The Distance Avenue.

Bolton, a city reeling.
"Who?" asked Deborah Hill of Can I Touch You...There? Street.

Sentiment wasn't all positive with Richard Holme of Michael Mews in uproar at the discovery, "I don't know what this tosser is trying to pull but he's upsetting a lot of people.  Think of the lives he is ruining."

"My faith is absolutely shattered," he continued to sob, "When a man loves a woman it's fine, but when a city loves a man its nothing but a fucking joke.  Well ha ha ha.  Bolton's taken all my love and left me a hollow shell of a man.  What are we supposed to do now?"

"We were only days away from a cure," claimed researcher Imelda Johnson of the Michael Bolton Leukaemia Research Foundation that was shut down this morning after the announcement, "That's thirty years of research down the drain.  Shit."

The Michael Bolton statue that
adorns Sexual Healing Square
in the City Centre.
Protest was strongest amongst the city's more radical fan-base with a CD and tape cassette burning scheduled to take place at Sexual Healing Square later this evening.  Bolton was unavailable for comment although his answering machine claimed that he, "Said I Loved You...But I lied."

The turmoil is set to spread nationwide with other cities double checking their research in fear of losing claim to what may or may not be their homegrown talent.  "It's a sad time," claimed Home Secretary Theresa May, "People are waking up to the fact that Julie London was from California, Michael York was a Southerner and Clarke Kent never even set foot in the home counties.  It is a sad realisation but we can at least take solace in the fact that the Britain we know and love is being represented across the world by a vast group of Americans.

Tickets for the Big Bolton Burn are £7 each on the door, no concessions.  Doors open at 7pm and remember, you bring the fuel and we'll bring the fun.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

North Korea Poised To Play History's Biggest Bluff

by Shaky Parkinson

Continuing fears about North Korea's nuclear weapon capabilities have suffered a sharp knock in credibility after a meeting of world leaders has claimed the country is simply 'Bluffing' and that its technological developments haven't yet 'Passed beyond the acquisition of a Pritt Stick'.

Continuous threats coupled with only minor blanket advertising are claimed to have highlighted the world's governments to the country's lack of action, with Foreign Secretary William Hague noting, "Kim Jong-un isn't positioned to be offering us these grand threats and it appears his intentions are nothing more than idle argy bargy brought about to further an ego boost."

He continued, "He should have gotten out while the going was good, not pussy foot around with a few ifs and buts. If North Korea truly wanted to sell us the idea of a thermo-nuclear war they would have bombed Seoul weeks ago, the situation we are in now is laughable and it has been agreed that the big NK should step down from the table and call it quits."

Statements issued from Pyongyang have rebuffed the claims stating, "We're dead serious about all this. We've made it really clear that if South Korea doesn't stop ignoring us and start panicking we'll launch all our bombs and stuff at them.  If we decided to give you a tour around are really sweet army bases then you'd see that all our tech is quality and if anyone thinks we are bluffing we'll use all our blowy uppy things and hav' 'em."
Kimmy, trying to stay in high spirits
during a game of odd man out.

The foreign office was quick to reassure travellers of the region's continuing stability by claiming, "That there is no increased danger in the area and certainly no immediate threat posed to any visitors to South Korea beyond a dodgy street vendor." This feeling was reiterated by Hague who went on to claim that, "North Korea has our deepest condolences and we're just hoping this whole fiasco blows over quickly and we can all go out for a drink to settle our differences.  Maybe it's not us that needs to listen. Words don't always have to hurt.  Isn't that right Kimmy?"

South Korea was also portraying a nation in the throws of calmness with President Park Geun-hye shrugging off the threats as idle banter, "No need to worry, they do this from time to time," she stated, "It's just a thing we have.  Give it a week or so and the matter will be ancient history."

In his garden President Obama
searches for potential missiles.
These comments sparked further frustration from the North Korean capital with comments being released stating, "We are well 'ard and if no one believes us we are going to blow shit up.  We mean business and death to all the twats!  No joke, the reason we haven't fired any missiles yet is because we don't want any of you stupid foreigners living south of the border to get hurt.  That's compassion that is but we've got deadlines to hit and we've been left with no other option than to get this thermo-nuclear fun storm underway.  As soon as the wind is in the right position and the missiles have been cleaned you better watch out.  We are a nation at war and if everyone wants to ignore that and make us out to be bullies then we'll have to sort 'em out."

President Obama responded with a well received, "Oh no he didn't," before going onto say, "The threats levelled at the United Sates of America are pretty negligible, even if one of these 'missiles' could reach our shores it'll probably just buff up the work for the local archaeologists."

Japanese mount terrifying defense.
Concern however wasn't absent with Japan deploying anti-aircraft launchers reasoning, "We don't believe in bluffs.  The only thing we understand is that North Korea has said it will soon be launching some nuclear weapons our way and because the evidence shows us this is not unlikely we have no choice but to take these threat seriously.  Although these are simply just cautionary measures we don't really foresee any future problems, I mean we took down Godzilla, we got this."

Tensions and opinions are still varied although much less strained and it is this writer's hope that these threats remain idle and that no one flicks the switch.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Shark Deaths Number 100 Million A Year

by Shaky Parkinson

Statistics released today show that man's battle with nature has hit an all time high with upwards of 100 million sharks estimated to have been killed in the last 12 months.  The government is said to be  'Happy' with the increase after last years G8 summit pledged $17billion towards the fight for less scary oceans and fear free swimming.

"Myself and the other members of the G8 decided that the shark menace is one we couldn't ignore any longer," quoted Barrack Obama from Camp David last May, "With their dark beady eyes, sharp teeth and ravenous bloodlust we have act now if we ever want to rid the globe of this terrible threat to human safety."

"We still have our work."

Wallet bagging his first kill in 1981.
"We're ecstatic," claimed Dr. Ken Wallet of F.I.S.H. (Florida Institute for Shark Hunting), "This funding has not only allowed us to further a physical presence upon the seas but has given us the chance to pursue much needed research into this creatures mating habits because the way these buggers fuck means we still have our work cut out if we are ever going to get the surfing holiday we all want."

Chinese commercial fishing subsidiaries are said to have proven highly effective since their creation in June with the Chinese coast already showing exhaustion of major fishing locations.  "Francois Hollande and myself have been campaigning to incorporate China into the G8 for sometime," claimed Prime Minister David Cameron, "And the way in which they've thrown themselves into this cause is very encouraging.  They're sterling work is leading the way towards the extinction of humanity's scariest foe and their skill is only complimented by their professionalism with the cute way in which they ritualistically eat the fin from every shark they kill as a mark of respect. Adorable."

"Their limbs are safe."

"What good is a blue flag beach when the sea is infested with sharks?" claimed Tourism Minister Burt Beach, "This fish is scaring away our tourist trade and leaving our seaside's to rot in the rain.  Surely the loss of one globally disliked creature is comparable to a world where people can live in ignorance knowing that their limbs are safe from unruly predators?  Isn't that the human approach?"

Wallet continued, "Forty years ago we knew next to nothing about sharks, and if Steven Spielberg had not enlightened the world to their ways with his legendary documentary we would still be stuck in the board room discussing what to do.  His foresight gave us the time to prepare and adapt to the creature's environment so that today we can finally begin to reap the benefits of decades worth of planning."

"World specialists out of work."

Despite numerous animal rights and environmental activists forcing localised bans and litigation onto many aspects of the killing process it hasn't deterred Governments from pushing forward with their plans.  "The shark is a magnificent creature, not only will the endangering of this species put tens of oceanographers and Sea World specialists out of work but it will ruin what should be a natural fear of the ocean," claimed Cathy Newman of F.I.S.H (Friends to Investigate Shark Harassment), "Without sharks to keep them in check as the prime predator of the ocean we predict that a race of Super Crabs will rise to take their place with even more disastrous consequences for the human population and we refuse to let this become a reality."

Children at a Shark Seminar in Perth.
These concerns were swiftly swept aside when the news broke of a shark attack on 17 year old James Talward who had his tattoo disfigured while surfing off the Durban coast.  During a press conference earlier this morning the shaken youth commented, "I'd swum out past the safety nets to catch the morning break and before I knew it my Sharky and George tattoo was being agonisingly chewed up by a baby Dwarf Lantern.  It wasn't until I flicked him off that I realised the damage he'd done.  No amount of hospital bills or re-touching will prevent me being ostracised and ridiculed for my damaged ink."

In the wake of the attack the world's Governments issued joint statements claiming that their shark hunting initiatives and subsidiaries will continue as promised leaving us to ponder whether the answer to the age old question, what is yellow and dangerous is in fact a Chinese fishing trawler.

Sunday 17 February 2013

Corn Wall To Be Reinstated

by Shaky Parkinson

Amid rebuffs of independence Cornwall County Council have shocked the country be rallying volunteers to begin construction on the Corn Wall, a planned 300ft undertaking that will stretch from Plymouth to Welcombe and result in the unofficial annexing of Cornwall from the United Kingdom.

Drastic though it may be the new Corn Wall will not be the first of its kind.  In 900BC and again 1316AD corn walls were erected along the edge of Britain's 'Corn Belt' that marked the border between Devon and Cornwall and gave rise to the county's name.

"It was a big decision," claimed head of research and development for Cornwall County Council Bernard Rick, "But after many months of peaceful campaigning only to be told our desire for a free Cornwall was 'infantile on a level not even a child would understand' we decided to take matters into our own hands.  Although we would like to keep with tradition and build the fortification out of corn the idea isn't feasible or cost effective and so with a modern age comes a modern wall.  We have a long way to go yet but we are confident that in time everyone will come to love and support the project as much as our initial bunch of volunteers. "

"I'm not going to stand."

During a press conference this morning Prime Minister David Cameron was asked how he will be handling the matter and whether or not the actions taken by Cornwall were treasonous, "Sensible, no, treasonous, we can but hope.  If Cornwall want to play independence for a few days I'm not going to stand in their way but the reality is that their plans are completely unfeasible, ridiculous and infantile on a level not even a child would understand."

Artists impression of original
900BC Corn Wall.
He continued, "I mean where will they get the stones?  Years of mining have exhausted all their natural resources and if history has shown us anything it's that you cannot build a defensive 300ft barrier out of tin scraps.  It's just stupid.  However if it comes down to it we'll fight them, no matter how absurd the fight we can't have rogue counties causing mayhem in this manner.  A joke's a joke but that's as far as we'll let them take it."


Native Truro Architect Richard Price (8th Generation) has been asked to oversee the project, "This is the biggest undertaking of its kind and I'm proud to be apart of the project. We not only want the wall to be practical but also aesthetically pleasing, so we plan on using imported British cement for the structure and a beautiful Cornish granite for the facing, thus illustrating the strength and beauty that emblazons the Cornish people themselves."

"I'm simply the first link in a chain that will go on for the 250 years it will take to complete the wall," he furthered, "We're laying the groundwork of independence so that our grandchildren's children's great grandchildren will finally have the privilege of living in a state free from the tyrannical influence of the British Government."

"The family hopped."

News Guff was on site to speak to volunteers such as Samantha Pastry of Cambourne who has given up her time to aid the project, "After we'd heard the news the family hopped straight into the Citroen and we drove up to help.  We just had to be apart of this."

"This will really stick it to the man," claimed Edgar Plunk of Wendron.

"FREEDOM!!!" claimed Badger Dennings of Looe.

"Get those crazy fucks."

Support for the Corn Wall has already progressed beyond the confines of the county with Devonshire County Council committing extra workmen to aid in construction, "We just have to get rid of them," claimed Devonshire Councillor Kerry Hill, "It's always independence this and independence that so we've sent in labourers to quicken construction and get those crazy fucks locked away forever.  With them gone we can finally give the Devonshire Pasty its deserved placing as the nation's favourite heated snack and finally put Devon on the map."

Working? The Israeli
West Bank Barrier.
Support also came from further afield with Norfolk and Shropshire County Councils both in plans to dissociate themselves from British rule.  A spokesperson for Norfolk County Council stated, "We are sick of being left behind and if Britain is heading towards a state state then we want to be first in the queue."

"We've witnessed these projects fail."

Walls have been used throughout history as a simple form of segregation but UN Worker David Baulderdash has been quick to criticise the Corn Wall and it's unnecessary instigation, "The wall is only a means to distill a short term conflict and cannot succeed as a long term peaceful goal. Despite what they say people don't like to be separated and we've witnessed these projects fail time and time again.  When you think really hard about it, the idea of a Corn Wall is very much retarded."

The feelings of Baulderdash were mirrored by many inhabitants of the Cornish region that resulted in a riot at the workers construction HQ at Launceston.  "You don't just go around building walls without good cause," claimed protest organiser Kenneth Gill, "We believe that words and negotiation are what is needed here, so these idiots can fuck off while we burn down their campsite."

Construction HQ, Launceston.
"They may think they are keeping everyone else out but really they are locking us all in," claimed fellow activist Gemma Beach, "I've seen the plans and although the granite is a lovely touch the project is simply barmy.  I'm all for displays of mass action but as a county there is no reason why we need independence from our neighbours, and we sure as shit don't need a 300ft wall blocking out our most enjoyable asset."

After the riot left three people bruised and eight tents flattened the Territorial Army sent in reserve troops to monitor the scene but with rumours of rain, excessive tea breaks and malcontent circulating, the chaotic diplomatic affairs amongst the Cornish ranks could already spell doom for the plan.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

iApple Hits Shops

by Shaky Parkinson
Tim Cook at iApple launch.
Apple's new portable device the iApple hit the high street this morning with fans already queueing round the block to get their hands on what experts are dubbing 'The decades most revolutionary invention'.

"The iApple is not just an apple," claimed Apple CEO Tim Cook, "It's the latest innovation in mobile technology.  Much like we did with the desktop computer and the mobile phone we have taken this simple fruit and developed it in a way that will suit our customers needs and further the Apple brand."

"Our consumers are always looking for the next big technological development and the iApple is there to help them on the way.  Its goal is to cater to the professional who is so busy with their important rushing about that eating not only becomes a choir but a nuisance.  With incorporated calorie counter, iTunes connectivity and wireless Internet the iApple aims to time manage people's eating habits in a healthy way whilst offering up all the essential communication tools of a high end Apple product."

Feeding the world.  The iApple.
It seems the public are eager to get their hands on the new device that comes equipped not only with all the plug-ins, apps and accessibility of a standard iPhone but with a calorie counter, diet instructor and fat measurer coupled with tasty nourishing abilities that are set to path the way for a fresh surge in healthy living.

"I've been queuing up here for roughly a month," claimed avid Apple fan Stephen Fry, "If the iApple is as awesome as my iPhone then I'm willing to pay the £800 for the privilege of using it."

"If it has Angry Birds on it then I'm sold," claimed Publicist Shelia Gonk.

"Increase in whole sale fruit."

Retail analysts are predicting that the release of the iApple could see a positive effect on the high street at a time when many retailers are struggling with closure.  Although many critics are claiming that the Apple brand is becoming far to monopolising, recent statistics show an increase in wholesale fruit and vegetables as Apple licensed fruit and vegetable stores sprout up across the country.

The scene on Regent Street.
"We're out to crush our competitors," continued Cook, "And we see our backing as key to the survival of the fledging fruit and veg industry in the UK.  As a company we're innovators and with our skills coupled with that of the already well-established apple we can promote healthy, clean living with integrated Wi-Fi at a reasonable and excessive cost.  With Apple's global appeal we plan on putting an iApple into the hands of everyone on the globe.  Simply put the iApple is the future."

The Online iApple App Store has already seen a massive surge in activity since stores opened at 8am this morning and it is thought that the trend will continue.  Experts are also expecting to see increased sales in healthy food products with many brands already using the iApple's technology to syndicate their products.

"The public won't stand."

The news wasn't all jubilant with court cases and criticism hitting Apple's door like a barrage of shit.  "The apple is a fruit and cannot be licensed by one company alone," claimed Granny Smith, "This kind of corporate intrusion cannot be justified and no matter how many features it has the public won't stand for this."

The iApple's classic features.
Samsung also bruised Apple's side by filing a number of lawsuits against the company claiming that they had infringed patent copyright, "We invented the apple years ago and Apple have simply ripped off our technology for their own uses," fumed Samsung Chairman Lee Kun-hee, "They must be stopped."

Cook responded by claiming, "That Apple has breached no copyright laws and that its fruity technology is its own," before going onto accost Samsung CEO Kwon Oh-hyun of failing to produce proof of the accusations, "If we can steal from the Beatles we can steal from anybody and regardless of these accusations it is clear that the iApple is having a positive impact on the consumer market," he concluded.

Samsung made no further statements and their concerns were lost amid news that the iApple 2.0 will be hitting shelves next month featuring upgrades such as a 16 mega-pixel camera as well as orange, kiwi and strawberry coloured models. 

Sunday 20 January 2013

Staff Memo: Where's My Front Page Bitches?

Dear All,

I understand that winter is with us but unfortunately the news doesn't mirror the pace of National Rail and if we don't get something to press soon we're fucked.  I've got the IRS up my arse claiming that we owe them something called taxes and they are threatening to get rid of Champagne Thursday as it apparently counts as a luxury and can't be classified under running costs.  Personally I'd like to see them run a newspaper without it and the sad thing is I might get my wish.

Just because heaven is going through a Head and Shoulders shortage doesn't mean the news gets any less important.  If I can get in from Alaska then you lot have no excuse.  I mean Jesus Goodgame you live in the basement and Jack, think up something better.  Coming from Robbins I'd be less skeptical but I'm not buying the suggestion that you were mortally wounded by a rogue Scottish Ninja off the Balham High Road.

Chris you have telepathic powers so even if your Internet is out you can at least beam me over a horoscope or two and Douglas, I know you're touchy about them but I've seen those paw like feet you're rocking and if they aren't snow friendly then nothing is.  Just chalk this one up as a disabled win and get cracking on this economic terminology:

1) Revenue
2) Stocks (That's with a 't' I'm not a complete moron)
3) Extravagance
4) Jail

Bottom line if you're not going to brave the weather for me at least do it for the readers.  How are they going to give credence to their anger without a few conflicting facts behind them?

Yours Forever,

Shaky xxx

Sunday 13 January 2013

UK Prepares For Mid-Week Sickie

by Shaky Parkinson

Extreme weather warnings from the Met Office have caused employers to expect a huge rise in absenteeism in the coming week.  With the country heading into a yellow warning due to an increase in temperature in the stratosphere the UK could expect an excuse of -2C freezing, causing minimal amounts of ice and slush to hit the roads.

"It's the weather we've been waiting for," claimed Daniel Pierce of the Met Office, "Personally I found a damp cloudy Christmas wasn't good enough, so it is with belated joy we can claim that in the coming days we are expecting roughly 5cm of snow to fall on the highest points in the UK that will result in a fatal sleet and slush combo in most low lying areas.  With the recent global warming figures hot off the press we will happily be debunking any doubting farts by braving all in our thermals for a snowball fight at Henley Golf Course at a prompt 6am start on Tuesday morning."

"We can to make sure."

The Highways Agency were quick to reassure the public by stating, "There is enough salt for us to see out the winter.  However, the chips might be a problem with the findings of a contaminated potato storage lock up in East London.  We are doing all we can to make sure that the public get what they need to help them through this potentially exciting time."

Despite the reassurance of Government and institutions alike the public flew straight into panic mode with supermarkets undergoing a rush for booze, snacks and reduced mince pies.  "It's been chaos," spoke supermarket greeter Richard Ace, "The beer aisle is completely empty and we're running desperately low on Jacob's Creek.  As for crisps you won't get a pack of Walker's this side of Leicester."

The chance of a five day weekend also fueled the firebombing of a grit depot in Maidenhead, which saw a score of workers badly burned with salt in their wounds.  To coincide with the holiday ITV also underwent a massive scheduling change by advertising a mid-week Harry Potter film marathon that has left next Saturday's evening programming open to perilous amounts of Ant and Dec.


"We're practically slaves," claimed one Scottish retail worker, "These company's just want more and more from you, they don't regard you as people and abuse your generous nature and hard work to reduce staff and exploit you further.  They may be able to take our health, time and freedom but they will NEVER TAKE OUR WEATHER!!!"

Prediction of Monday's rush hour.
Despite widespread enthusiasm many skeptics have come out to argue the statistics such as London banker Rectum Will, "The general public have once again shown themselves to be a pack of fools.  I'd like a day off as much as the next person but false optimism is not the answer.  We all know that the Met Office have proven time and time again that they cannot actually predict the weather beyond a shaky seven minute time frame and if people want to risk their jobs on loose findings then that is up to them.  What with the huge levels of anger, frustration and aggression being furthered by corporate rape and a failing economy we need to plough on regardless of these issues."

Other critics were also vocal on the subject but having given them one paragraph we thought that covers us and so the country waits to see if Monday's hangover will be as easy to manage as they hope.