Friday 7 June 2013

Limb Found In Sussex

by Shaky Parkinson

Pup and Smut pub, Eppington.
An arm belonging to a fifty year old African American male was found outside the Pup and Smut on market street, Eppington yesterday evening.  Police are asking the owner to come and collect the limb within the next thirty days or it will be sold at auction.

"It's starting to pong," claimed Constable Brian Blunt of the Eppington Constabulary, "And what with the recent genocide clogging up our evidence room we'd prefer it if the limb was collected sooner rather than later."

This isn't the first instance of missing body parts being found in the area, with two sandalled feet showing up outside Aldi last spring and a rogue torsoe causing confusion during the town's Christmas pageant it is hoped that this isn't the beginning of a trend.

The public can contact the police by telephone.

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