Sunday 20 January 2013

Staff Memo: Where's My Front Page Bitches?

Dear All,

I understand that winter is with us but unfortunately the news doesn't mirror the pace of National Rail and if we don't get something to press soon we're fucked.  I've got the IRS up my arse claiming that we owe them something called taxes and they are threatening to get rid of Champagne Thursday as it apparently counts as a luxury and can't be classified under running costs.  Personally I'd like to see them run a newspaper without it and the sad thing is I might get my wish.

Just because heaven is going through a Head and Shoulders shortage doesn't mean the news gets any less important.  If I can get in from Alaska then you lot have no excuse.  I mean Jesus Goodgame you live in the basement and Jack, think up something better.  Coming from Robbins I'd be less skeptical but I'm not buying the suggestion that you were mortally wounded by a rogue Scottish Ninja off the Balham High Road.

Chris you have telepathic powers so even if your Internet is out you can at least beam me over a horoscope or two and Douglas, I know you're touchy about them but I've seen those paw like feet you're rocking and if they aren't snow friendly then nothing is.  Just chalk this one up as a disabled win and get cracking on this economic terminology:

1) Revenue
2) Stocks (That's with a 't' I'm not a complete moron)
3) Extravagance
4) Jail

Bottom line if you're not going to brave the weather for me at least do it for the readers.  How are they going to give credence to their anger without a few conflicting facts behind them?

Yours Forever,

Shaky xxx

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