Wednesday 13 July 2011

Yoko One To Sue Husband's Memory

by Shaky Parkinson

Yoko Ono is at it again, this time by trying to crush the memory of her late husband and former Jesus lookalike, John Lennon.  Dundee resident and owner of Lennon's, Mike Craig, was sent a letter by Ono's lawyers claiming his memorabilia of infringing copyright.

Amidst confusion and packing Craig had this to say, "Hey buddy I'm just as confused as you this is all authorised merchandise, can you pass me that packing tape."

Ono has yet to comment on the lawsuit but is determined to see the pub renamed and all images of John to be removed within the fortnight.

Craig who has spent thousands of pounds decking out his pub with images of his favourite singer was flabbergasted at the decision.  As was Ronald, the bars resident 'old man at the bar', "This place has been like a home to me these past five years, what's that silly bint up to now.  Isn't she rich enough?  Surely a pub set up to remember one of the world's greatest artists is a good thing.  Share the love and all that," he puked over the bar.

Ever the optimist Craig has not let the decision bother him and after a bit of remodeling McCartney's will be opening this fall.

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