Monday 21 November 2011

Catching To Be Made Into Mandatory Exam

by Shaky Parkinson

In a bid for recognition the pretentious world of sport has deemed fit to fuel its ego by proposing the addition of more tests to the national curriculum.  The patronising souls behind such wonders as the Olympic 2012 games and other such unavoidable catastrophes have set their sights on schools in a bid to push mandatory Physical Education tests upon the nation's youth.

Sports Medicine Specialist (?) Dr Andy Franklyn-Miller has whinged, "No one likes us.  If we made PE tests mandatory in schools it would mean that more children would spend their time doing circuit training instead of all that learning bullshit they do at the other end of the building.  Sport is important and must be made mandatory for all students.  It is the failing of the national curriculum that children are getting fat and if people would just listen to us we could change all that."

In response the National Curriculum stated, "That is all well and good but I'd rather have a bunch of tubby youths running around instead of a bunch of stupid ones.  The fat ones might be unable to leave an armchair but they'll damn well know how too.  If you damn PE teachers would just stop bitching for attention and tried to make PE even the remotest bit enjoyable maybe we'd be open to compromise, but these proposals are stupid, much like our current youth population who need more in the way of learning than they do bad experiences.  More tests would just back fire."

Little Tommy Pity has already
lost ten stone by lifting
plastic rods.
"I think it is absurd," claimed Headmaster Richard Head, "We've already blown the entire years budget on invigilators and laptops.  Our texts books only run up to the year 1988 and the history department has to repeatedly show the pupils the ceiling asbestos as an illustration of modern building controversy because they haven't any other educational materials.  It's a mess, I don't want anymore fucking exams.  We gave them GCSE PE what more credibility do they want.  I blame the parents, pushing their children into such a needless and irritating profession."

Amongst the proposed tests will be activities such as walking, running, squats and being able to put down an Xbox controller.  There are also plans to add throwing, catching and other numerous abilities into the range of exams.

"These tests will be important," claimed PE Teacher Donald Rugby, "We want to stop children getting fat so we are going to distance them from exercise by instilling an even deeper sense of boredom into the subject.  We want PE to be on par with that of Maths and Reading.  We cannot call it English because we have progressed far beyond that but I still think PE is just as important.  If a child picks up a cheeseburger incorrectly they are opening themselves up to potential wrist sprains and injuries.  We're here to help and that is why we need more power and more people to listen to us."

"I've got enough tests," sighed one Pupil, "We haven't done any studying yet because we have to sit so many exams.  I'm in year 10 and I'm still working on my nouns.  PE doesn't even count.  All the PE teacher's at our school are rubbish.  They send us out into the cold to play rugby without showing us the rules and stay inside drinking tea and being angry.  I blame the parents."

It is thought that the slogans 'Stop being fat fatty' and 'It only takes one cheeseburger' have been put forward as possible taglines for the upcoming bid for recognition but with the nations unified dislike for PE teachers running at a constant level of twat it is this reporter's opinion that being a child is going to become a little less interesting.  These really aren't the golden years of your life and if these exams go ahead the sheen will certainly be gone forever.

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