Wednesday 23 November 2011

McCann's Cheat On The Press

by Shaky Parkinson

In a press conference today the McCann's have admitted to cheating on the Press.  "It's true," claimed Gerry, "There's been tension for a while and we've been feeling ignored and unwanted for sometime and things sort of happened."

"It was exciting," claimed Kate, "The thrill of the limelight again is too alluring.  The Press will always be important to us but our heart lies elsewhere and it is time to move on and start a new life."

The Press is unavailable for comment but friends say it is devastated by events.  "The Press gave the McCann's the best years of its life," claimed close friends Woman's Weekly, "It makes you sick thinking about how the Press has been treated.  It feels used and dirty."

Bloomsbury Publishing was also quick to defend its colleague, "All the Press wanted to do was help those poor people into the public eye.  They'd be nothing without the Press and now things have gone bad they've just jumped ship and left them holding the blame.  The McCann's are despicable."

"I saw it coming," claimed the McCann's Ex, "They're users and attention seekers.  They've done well for themselves but at what cost to the Press?  I cannot blame the Press, it was in love and fell for the McCann's hard.  They don't even realise the sacrifices it has made for them.  Think of all the thousands of missing children that stayed so because of the Press's commitment to finding Maddie.   Personally I think it was just a ruse to get them into bed, I don't think they ever really loved the Press they just used it."

Although taking the break-up badly the Press has been seen out and about with friends trying to repair the damage done by recent events.  "We'd like to apologise," claimed the McCann's, "But we can't.  We were driven away, first the Press was too clingy and then too distant, we didn't sign up for this.  We just wanted to find our daughter and make a few million on the side.  This is hard for us but we aren't too blame."

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