Thursday 8 September 2011

Galliano Swindled Of 6,000 Euros

by Shaky Parkinson

Poor anit-Semitic fashion fool John Galliano was today swindled of 6,000 Euros by a covetous Jew and her swindling counterparts.  The team who set upon Galliano in a Parisian restaurant are said to have used cunning, deceit and observation in coaxing abuse out of the drunk fashion designer.

"I apologise," claimed Galliano in court this afternoon, "If I knew what was happening there would be more to say."  Stepping into the void with his trusted text book Galliano's lawyer, Aurelien Hamelle, was quick to save the accused by stating Mr. Galliano, "Is relived to be putting this all behind him."  "What do you mean 'This'?" stumbled Galliano.

It seems museum curator, Geraldine Bloch and her little yellow, and as yet unnamed Friend were able to keep the fashion designer in a forty-five minute argument until the Rozzer's showed up to arrest him.  "What a rookie mistake," claimed Miss Bloch's lawyer, "My clients showed great talent in being able to lure a boozed up Mr. Galliano into a war of words.  After the first syllable the case was as good as won."

He continued, "Two women, probably lesbians, one Asian and the other one a Jew, what a moron.  His flamboyant dress sense was a blessing, and the bottle of vodka he was swilling was a golden ticket covered in good cocaine.  The man is a walking cash machine."

Galliano who is said to be receiving treatment for his addictions to alcohol, Valium and sleeping pills is just one in a long line of racists whose over the top presence has been exploited for financial gain by the ever greedy Jew.  "I don't know what happened," claimed Galliano, "First some woman is being rude to me and one witty quip later I'm out of a job and up in court facing a fine of 6,000 Euros, have they seen the exchange rate recently.  What happened?  Shit, I could end up working for Primark."

Little is known of the Con Artist team but the 'Symbolic Payout' that somehow managed to include five anti-racism groups just proves that stereotypes can be true and anti-tosser groups have been seen outside the court house protesting both parties.

"This is a fucking mess," angered the Judge, "I hate the lot of them but I can't rightly sentence a woman, probably a lesbian, so I had to rule against the arrogant arse in the funny hat and trousers.  I've seen the exchange rate, tough break, but someone had to cop."

As yet we are unsure what the Con Artist's plan to do with their windfall but we are assured it is locked up tightly until a decision can be decided on.  "What we can take from this is important," continued the Judge, "Shit happens so learn from that and if you insist on running the risk of encountering people just remember that you didn't have to leave your house.  I'm going to bed, get out of my way you dirtbag Journo."

Miss Bloch was unwanted for comment, being deemed to insignificant for interviewing, "We'll give her some airtime if this case can get her career of the ground but until then it's a no go," claimed a Colleague and fellow dirtbag.

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