Thursday 8 March 2012

Investigation After More Tosser's Win The Lottery

by Shaky Parkinson

An investigation by Scotland Yard has been set into motion after another lottery victor turns out to be a tosser.  George Keates, a 77 year-old great grandfather became a millionaire on Wednesday after purchasing his tenth Lotto ticket.  Despite a life of hardship with Mr. Keates being made redundant from three different jobs Mr. and Mrs. Keates plan to spend their money wisely with a new home, car and holiday.

However the shock announcement has caught the attention of Scotland Yard who have been monitoring the activity of The Lottery winners since a teenager found a winning ticket underneath a cum stained pizza box after his mother yelled at him to tidy his room.  Coupled with the fourth UK Euromillions winner in as many months the police are on high alert and plan to "Take down this sordid affair".

"It's really not on," claimed Detective Inspector Pete Ramble, "We've built up a society where tosser's are systematically forced to its fringes and then these people come along out of nowhere and are given millions of pounds as reward for nothing.  It makes a mockery of life and it's painfully unfair."

He continued, "As of yet we have no conclusive evidence that these tosser's are doing anything illegal.  On the surface it seems like they re just purchasing tickets and winning big but frankly that doesn't sound right."

Lottery expert and statistic professor William Shankly commented, "This is all a wild herring chase and there is no reason to believe anything untoward is going on.  By my research it is safe to say that 99% of all lottery winners and indeed players are tosser's.  It's just a numbers game."

Either way the witch-hunt has been put into motion with thousands of irate players ringing into their local police stations to complain about the tosser's.  "This guy's had it so bad has he," cited one Callee, "At least he had three jobs, I'm fresh out of university and frankly I'm fucked.  If I'd known I'd never get to use my degree I'd have stayed at blockbusters, shit I could've been running it by now.  This dude bought ten fucking tickets.  I've been doing this shit since day one and I've only won a tenner.  I'm sick of all these tosser's winning the Lottery."

The Tosser Enquiry is set to present its findings later this month and Scotland Yard's proposed ban on any Lottery based events have been denied, so until that date it is safe to say that tossers will be winning the Lottery all over the place.  Yet the nation will be waiting to see the outcome of the investigation to see if it is just coincidence that tosser's keep winning the Lottery or not.

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