Sunday 11 March 2012

Cycling Protest Infiltrated By Nudist Movement

by Shaky Parkinson

A protest to highlight the poor road conditions faced by cyclists in the Peruvian capital Lima was today hijacked by a colony of nudists.  500 cyclists were seen blocking up major roads in a bid to show the unsafe conditions faced by the road users everyday when the cavalcade was joined by a large number of nudists who thought the demonstration was an unscheduled nudist rally.

From what we can gather the nudists had taken the scantily clad cyclists, who were showing a symbolic use of their skin to demonstrate their lack of metallic defences when faced against heavy traffic, and assumed it was an outing for their cause.

"We were happy to help," commented protest organiser, Pablo Pablo, "The more the merrier, frankly nudism is a major problem in Peru, the public's repressed stance is standing in the way of the pastime's acceptance into the mainstream so we were glad to be of service."

He continued, "If anything, their extreme dedication only furthered our message.  Most of our lads were a bit shy with going the full hog because a 30mph wind can prove less than flattering but these guys were just happy to be out and the air of bravado really brought in the crowds."

"We really got our message out there," claimed nudist, Sanchez Sanchez, "Despite our mistake things went down well and we really made headway with our mission.  It was just a happy ending to a great outing and we're thinking of making it an annual event.  Hopefully the Government will take notice of what we were getting up to and sort out these cycling lane issues."

The protest proved a shocker out on the streets with much disdain and also praise being levelled at the movement.  "Bottom line," claimed Pablo, "Is that I just want to go to work and not have worry about getting killed and I don't think that is too much to ask.  Today we've witnessed a lot of love and some good vibes and frankly we're hoping this message will rub off onto our nation's politicians."

Peruvian Prime Minister Oscar Valdes was unable to comment but his aids said he was giving the matter some deep thought.

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