Wednesday 14 November 2012

James Brown, "Never Felt Good"

by Brick Goodgame

The face of a broken man.
A never before seen documentary recently unearthed in the Polydor archives that charted the chart success of late feel good singer James Brown has finally made its way onto DVD.  In a never before seen candid interview the chocolate coloured fallen star discussed his addictions to sex, drugs and Fawlty Towers, and how excessive indulgence made him feel, "A bit shit," and "Untrue to his real urges."

"One hit, I feel good."

The footage that was filmed in 1989 by Bobby Ballweather, has sparked worldwide controversy amongst the 'Fat man with an obese voice' fans, or as Brown used to refer to them, 'His Sweet Brown Army', due to its revealing content in which Brown describes his number one hit 'I Feel Good' as, "A bloody shambles," "Bollocks," and "Nothing but a chubby lie," whilst also taking time to comment on the then economic downturn and health sector troubles.

The film's director Peter Cunt spoke about his fondness for the singer, "I only knew him for a brief time.  No more than a few hours, but in those few hours I think I was closer to him than anyone.  Our chairs were almost touching, it was an intimate session.  It shocked me to hear that James was in fact suffering with manic depression brought on by his feelings of unfulfilment at not having partied out his true dreams and that he never felt good.  Sad stuff."

"Better yourself!"

A Spokesperson for the Brown family told the Guff that, "James always wanted to be a politician but his singing got in the way.  It was always his dream to become the first black President of the USA but he felt he could better inspire people by singing about how to better yourself.  His cocaine benders, rampant sexual encounters and inexhaustible amounts of wealth and fame were the true cost of a soul who was truly committed to getting down.  Down to hard work in the aid of his fellow man."

'Getting Down In Brown Town: The Soul Searcher' premiers on BBC Four this Sunday at 10pm.  Ba dum bum bum bum bump bump bump.

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